Published in Sunday Times

A beautiful mind

Nataša Pantović and her son Andrej at the launch of the novel Tree of Life: A Journey into the Field of Dreams in Valletta 2019.
Nataša Pantović and her son Andrej at the launch of the novel Tree of Life: A Journey into the Field of Dreams in Valletta 2019.

Seated on a panel with her fellow writers, Maltese-Serbian novelist Nataša Pantović has been known to use slam poetry to perform her poetic body of work.

Like her prose, the improvised words, tribal music, percussionist sounds, lengthy ‘aum’ chanting, are neither too preposterous nor too earnest but endlessly curious. A bridge builder between East and West, following ancient archaeological findings, she often dives into historic settings more than 2,000 years back in time.

In her novel, Ama: Playing the Glass Bead Game with Pythagoras, the 52-year-old author makes a bold swerve into less-travelled territory. She chooses for her protagonists  Ama, an African priestess, living in China’s Macao in the 17th century; Ruben, a Portuguese Jesuit priest; and Fr Benedict, an Orthodox Christian.

The book explores the rapidly-growing Macao, its changing sights, sounds and smells from different perspectives, from that of a bat to a goddess to a spirit. Its miracle and its enigma are within the worlds of inner alchemy of the Age of Enlightenment.

Can you tell us about Ama: Playing the Glass Bead Game with Pythagoras?

Both Hesse and Tolstoy were my first spiritual gurus. Through their deep insights and soulful messages, for the first time I experienced the world of spiritual growth and deep contemplation. Many artists have inspired my writings, the likes of Leonardo da Vinci, Lao Tzu and Giordano Bruno.  Pythagoras lived on the crossroads of civilisations, as I see us, and he has given us his fascinating research into music and numbers. With my deep respect towards ancient worlds, Pythagoras with his ancient Egyptian mystical knowledge had to be my protagonist.

In your novel, you follow the famous reform of the Chinese calendar during the 17th century. Can you tell us about your research?

I started writing this as a 17th-century novel. In this novel, it was easy to write from the point of view of the main character, a priest or Ama’s mother or a man without a name or a goddess, Lilith.

Holding up a mirror to society of ancient worlds can be fanatical or too obvious within the storytelling environment, so I had to break the rhythm with myths, with art, with dreams

I wanted to bring in the many first-person singular voices, starting with an animal ‒ a bat, as a story-teller, moving to Pythagoras, to people who meet Ama within the setting of her coffee house. This narrative framework is 50 per cent inspired by the ‘yin’ mindset; dreamy and emotional, and five per cent factual, male and mind-driven.

What is it within this black main character that fascinates you so much?

Ama lived with me for 10 years before I knew I would adopt two kids from Ethiopia, yet Ama as the main protagonist of the story has decided to be black.

Was Athens black at the time of the ancient Greeks or was it full of Slavs that during the Dark Ages were not allowed to have their own European history?

All my characters do have strong political, ideological and moral commitments, their ideas are ground-breaking; it is a science against the Church, male against female, East against West conversation.

Holding up a mirror to society of ancient worlds can be fanatical or too obvious within the storytelling environment, so I had to break the rhythm with myths, with art, with dreams.

This novel is, of course, about the search for truth, but from the goddess perspective, about love and union, of the priestesses that have given us the first commandment “Do not kill...”

In this novel you explore the Age of Enlightenment, and ‘Western’ ancient Greek philosophers. Can you talk about your use of the Eastern concept of ‘mindfulness’ in this context?

There are a number of ‘instant happiness’ gurus out there, I do not believe in a ‘get rich in a day’ message, but I do believe that if we learn how to listen to our soul, we will be able to live our highest potential.

We live in a rapidly changing world.  When I was born in Belgrade in 1968, at the time of no TV or internet, the population on the planet was one billion. Now they say it is seven billion.

The changes I have seen during my lifetime are huge. Emotionally, mentally and physically, we have to adopt different behaviour patterns, not just to survive, but to thrive without abusing other social groups or animals or endangering planet Earth.

The next stage, the stage of cultural life, is beyond the knowledge of more than 90 per cent of the population.

Having a percentage of the population that neither collects objects nor watches TV, nor reads newspapers, that is still capable of thinking, un-hypnotised, to appreciate art, or dance or sing, and is able to think creatively, is a part of my research fascination.

Nataša Pantović is a Maltese-Serbian novelist, management consultant, adoptive parent, and ancient worlds explorer based in Malta. Ama: Playing the Glass Bead Game with Pythagoras and other books by Pantović can be purchased on Amazon.

Published in Ponto Final Macau

A-Ma: Alchemy of Love, uma narrativa passada em Macau sobre “a busca pela verdade”

“A-Ma: Alchemy of Love”, um livro cuja acção se passa na Macau do século XVII. Agora, em entrevista ao jornal Times of Malta, a autora, Nataša Pantović, explica que o romance “é sobre a busca pela verdade”. A história tem como protagonista Ama, uma sacerdotisa africana.

Nataša Pantović escolheu como cenário para “A-Ma: Alchemy of Love” a Macau do século XVII e colocou como protagonistas Ama, uma sacerdotisa africana a morar na região, Ruben, um padre jesuíta português e Benedito, um cristão ortodoxo. Ama reunia artistas, pregadores, padres e filósofos de todo o mundo, dentro dos cenários mágicos do seu café. O livro explora o crescimento rápido de Macau, quer nos horizontes das cidades, quer nas mudanças socioeconómicas.

Retratando a vida na Europa e em Macau no século XVII, a obra é vista como uma fábula histórica e dos hábitos e costumes dos chineses e dos portugueses que viviam em Macau. O livro tem 12 capítulos e Nataša Pantović coloca Deus e outros espíritos a narrar a acção.

A autora do livro, que foi publicado originalmente em 2016, deu agora uma entrevista ao jornal maltês Times of Malta, onde explicou que o romance foi escrito “do ponto de vista da personagem principal, Ama”.

“Todas as minhas personagens têm fortes compromissos políticos, ideológicos e morais, as suas ideias são inovadoras, é uma ciência contra a Igreja, homem contra mulher, uma conversa do Oriente com o Ocidente”, explicou a escritora com ascendência maltesa e sérvia. Neste caso, o tema central é “a busca pela verdade”.

A filosofia da Grécia antiga também é abordada neste livro. Questionada sobre as influências filosóficas, a autora respondeu apenas: “As mudanças que presenciei durante a minha vida foram enormes. Emocionalmente, mentalmente e fisicamente, temos de adoptar diferentes padrões de comportamento, não apenas sobreviver, mas prosperar sem abusar dos outros grupos sociais ou animais ou colocar o planeta Terra em perigo”.

“O facto de haver uma percentagem da população que não vê televisão, não lê jornais e que ainda é capaz de pensar, de apreciar arte ou dançar e cantar, e é capaz de pensar de forma criativa, faz parte do fascínio pela minha investigação”, atirou a autora.

A autora vê Hermann Hesse e Leo Tolstoy como os seus primeiros “guias espirituais”: “Através das suas percepções profundas e mensagens emocionantes, pela primeira vez experimentei o mundo do crescimento espiritual e contemplação profunda”. A escritora diz ter sido influenciada por outros artistas, e destaca Leonardo da Vinci, Lao Tzu e Giordano Bruno.

Published in Malta Times

Nataša Pantović: ‘I meditate in an attempt to recall my dreams’

Maltese-Serbian novelist Nataša Pantović tells all in our Q&A


Nataša Pantović is a Maltese-Serbian novelist, management consultant, adoptive parent, and ‘ancient worlds explorer’ based in Malta. Ama: Playing the Glass Bead Game with Pythagoras and other books by Pantović can be purchased on Amazon.

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?

Meditate in an attempt to recall my dreams. A dream diary is the most beautiful technique I’ve learned from Jung – he understood dreams to be messages from the unconscious, and through his own self-analysis, containing imagery that illustrates our internal soul “messaging” system.

What is the best advice you’ve ever received?

My dad, who had a PhD in law, used to discuss ancient philosophers with me, introducing me to Aristotle’s ‘eudaimonia’ - the “long-term happiness” that achieved throughout a lifetime when human beings achieve health, wealth, knowledge, friends and this in turn leads to the perfection of human nature...

What do you never leave the house without?

A book or a note-book...

Pick three words that describe yourself

“Arche”, “Logos”, and “Harmonia”.

What do you consider to be your greatest achievement?

I could morph into a dolphin…

What is your guiltiest pleasure?

Reading the Babylon stories written in 2,500 BC. Researching Ancient Greek, Chinese and Egyptian characters or Akkadian that symbolically narrate the stories of advanced civilizations of 2,500 BC. Discovering “real” history or how I call it “playing the glass bead game with Pythagoras”.

What is the most important lesson life has taught you?

I “jumped” into the role of parenting, adopting as a single mother, two instead of one kid (as originally planned) even though I had no husband to support me within this journey. The madness of my little “mission” left me at home, babysitting and writing books, one after the other, since my creative flow kept overpowering me.

Property and cars aside what’s the most expensive thing you’ve ever bought?

Leonardo da Vinci’s A3 size Complete Book of Art.

What is one thing you wish you knew when you were younger?

Music, one thing I did not get as a gift from my parents. Perhaps I will be reborn as a musician.

Who’s your inspiration?

Giordano Bruno, Herman Hesse, and Tolstoy.

What has been your biggest challenge?

Original thinking. Any author’s dream is to be able to play the audience like a conductor does an orchestra. Take it onto a journey.

If you weren’t an ‘Ancient Worlds Consciousness Researcher’ what would you be doing?    

I have already hugged a 3,000-years-old Maori tree in New Zealand and crossed the Savanah on foot and slept in the deserts of Africa, and climbed the hills of Nepal, danced barefoot under starry nights… so not researching, assuming the kids are no longer in need of my support, would probably take me back to exploring Serbian hills...

Do you believe in God?

As a dynamic, Orphic, hermaphrodite Universe of Consciousness, Yin and Yang manifestations... then yes.

If you could have dinner with any person, dead or alive, who would it be?

The full cast of Ama, my fiction book: the bat, who is also a story-teller, Pythagoras, who I (as a writer) meet jumping through a universal consciousness portal, Ama, the Kenyan goddess who meets the philosophers in her coffee house, Father Benedict, an Orthodox priest, her father Ottavio who is an alchemist… wow, what a party!

What’s your worst habit?

Never ending my stories. I was re-writing A-Ma for long 10 years. The issue of white supremacy, the institutional racism, female vs. male conflict, the East vs. West struggle, the Yin vs. Yang or Dogs vs. Cats, it is a story repeated over and over again.  If you are a reader, you probably get one masterpiece a year, a book that is a must read, and as an educated audience, you are deeply grateful to be holding this type of a book in your hands, but it still does not change your life. How many books have changed your life? Will a book be read in 30 years? Will my book be read in 30 years?

What are you like when you’re drunk?

I have never ever been drunk. Can you believe this? I also do not take any medication...

Who would you have play you in a film?

I wouldn’t have me “played” in a film. But I would have my daughter play Ama...

What is the trait you most deplore in others?

Conscious and sub-conscious abuse of one’s own body or mind or emotions... I feel deep sorrow when people abuse the gift of life.

What music would you have played at your funeral?

Jamming jazz by all participants.

What is your most treasured material possession?

Tobby, my cat, even though she “owns” us, not the other way round.

What is your earliest memory?

Taking a teddy bear to the hospital in Belgrade, Serbia, that was closed for visits, to my sister who was operated and was gone from my life, for more than three months. I recall, at the age of 3, running under the nursing sister’s legs to give her the bear.

When did you last cry, and why?

I cry at all times. My friend Karl Pace has just died of burning injuries, his boat set on fire...

Who would you most like to meet?

Quentin Tarantino.

What’s your favourite food?

As a vegetarian, a veggie meal from Krishna or a mix of forest berries from Serbia.

Who’s your favourite person on social media right now?

I’m old-school. I read the newspaper. I still watch movies in the cinema, I buy the front row tickets. When I write a poem, or a story, I do not do it on a computer… all these handsome actors trying to act tortured, trying to look miserable. The life that is not real, does not appeal to me. So, no social media for me. Thanks, but no thanks...

If you could travel in time, where would you go?

Ancient Malta’s Temple culture, and the time of Serbian Vinca so that I could compare the two.

What book are you reading right now?

Babylonian Life and History by Ernest Alfred Wallis Budge (1884). Together with Lingua Maltese Studio Storico Etnografico e Filolgico by Caruana, published in 1896 in Italian. The latter, I have had the honour of holding it in my hands.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

Travel through time.

What’s one thing you want to do before you die?

Spend two months in Peru.

What music are you listening to at the moment?

A soundtrack from Emir Kusturica’s film “Arizona Dream” by Goran Bregovic.

In the shower or when you’re working out, what do you sing/listen to?

Mantras of all religions like Kirya Si, Shiva Shakti, Halleluya, AuM allaH, my kids hate me for it... the neighbours are convinced that I am a Muslim, or a Jew, or a Hindu, or a Christian in a dire need of some psychiatric help. Sometimes the kids, passers-by or dogs sing with me.

Ancient Worlds Art Mysticism

A-Ma: Alchemy of Love”, uma narrativa passada em Macau sobre “a busca pela verdade

"Alchemy of Love”, um livro cuja acção se passa na Macau do século XVII. Agora, em entrevista ao jornal Times of Malta, a autora, Nataša Pantović, explica que o romance “é sobre a busca pela verdade”. A história tem como protagonista Ama, uma sacerdotisa africana.

"Nataša Pantović escolheu como cenário para “A-Ma: Alchemy of Love” a Macau do século XVII e colocou como protagonistas Ama, uma sacerdotisa africana a morar na região, Ruben, um padre jesuíta português e Benedito, um cristão ortodoxo. Ama reunia artistas, pregadores, padres e filósofos de todo o mundo, dentro dos cenários mágicos do seu café. O livro explora o crescimento rápido de Macau, quer nos horizontes das cidades, quer nas mudanças socioeconómicas."

Wayne Turmel in an interview with Nataša - Spirituality and Historical Fiction with Nataša Pantović

I think that historical fiction is a great way of asking the important questions in life, don’t you?  

Yes, using historical fiction, my major question to the audience was: How much of our thoughts, feeling or insights are truly ours and how many of them repeat within the various historical settings on Earth, throughout the centuries. Within our own spiritual journeys the major question is our eternal addiction to suffering (in my story this is the voice of Lilith). Can we let it go? Can we live our highest potential? Can we open to Love?

What is it about that time period or character that intrigued you and motivated you to write about it?

I was triggered by Giordano Bruno’s writings and his drive to change the existing “dogmatic” structure within the science and religion of his time. Trying to prove that the Earth is not at the center of our  Universe, placing humans at the periphery of Gods attention, shook the essence of our Adam and Eve story, our story of Jesus, our promises of Heaven and Hell, and has threatened to undermine our Religious and Political foundations. Entering the Age of Reason and Age of Enlightenment from the long period of darkness, fighting so many “demons” must have inspired many enlightened souls and their “revolutionary” spirit and works: Leonardo Da Vinci, Martin Luther, Christopher Columbus, Michelangelo, Shakespeare, Galileo Galilei, to name just a few.

Now, imagine living during these times, imagine the 16th and 17thcentury China, being in the shoes of Jesuit Portuguese Priests who came to convert the Chinese into Christianity and for the first time truly met the wealth and depth of this most amazing culture…

Why China you may ask? I found it most intriguing that China had a compass and gun powder centuries before they came to Europe. Did you know that they possessed the most advanced Navy, yet they always focused on the trade with their neighbors, never went into frantic invasions of other continents. Reading about holocausts committed all around the world by Colonists powers around different continents (American Indians slaughter, Australian Aboriginals destruction, or crimes against New Zealand Maoris) all gave me an insight about how unfair was our world, and difficult our fight for justice, better world, and freedom. Within A-Ma we follow insights and subtle energy battles following lives of a group of enlightened souls who understood the prime importance for West and East wisdom sharing.

Without giving away spoilers, what’s your favorite scene in the book?

It is the setting of my story.

The world without a coffee or a tea shop was also our reality, not such a long time ago. The books were kept within the cellars of privileged, with an access only to the few. Various Monasteries were great for studying, however going out of their walls, there were a few places where people could gather to discuss life and philosophy. Coffee or tea shops mushroomed during this time, each one of them having similar setting where all classes are mixed and each could afford this inexpensive cup of delicious liquid. They were called “Penny Universities”, they gathered artists, philosophers, time-wasters, actors, poets. This became a natural setting of my story, Ama’s coffee house in Macao, at the edge of China. Ole within its walls gathered all sort of researchers.

Elena Trintas rated it 5 stars, March 2017, Goodreads Review

Ama Alchemy of Love Historical Spiritual Fiction Book by Nataša Pantović Nuit

Loved this deep and intriguing novel! Back into the 17th century, gliding through Amas life, exploring the wisdom of China (such a fascinating culture) and multi-leveled dimensional stories of Reuben, the man with no name, tales of Macau, A-Ma goddess, Father Benedict, and Lilith was a very special experience. Within my own life I already had a deep fascination with Chinese I Jing, Feng Shui, the Chinese most fascinating character writing, so I found my own sanctuary within the setting of Nuit-s 17th century story. An uproar of wisdom that can not be contained by religious dogmas, I was re-incarnated within such a complex setting working with enlightened minds of the time. I felt that this is exactly what Nuit wanted us to do, take an active role, worship the Temple of Ama, return to own quest to follow the river to its ocean, become one of many that instigates the change. Beautifully written, with a strong spiritual message, I also deeply connected to the alchemy thread within the story. I am very blessed that I had a chance to come across Nuit-s work at the time my focus is within further understanding of Yin and Yang balance, within the understanding of Kundalini, understanding of Goddess, and our, Christians (but also humanity) focus with suffering. Ama and her friends, lovers, family told me a story of "change", story of "alchemy", story of "transformation" and the book has a deep message for every day of the journey. Yet this is not a book for all. The special, who have the opportunity to come across it, will understand all the levels of the story and get in touch with the feminine eternal wisdom within. Must read!

Secret of enlightenment from Ama Alchemy of Love Historicl Spiritual Ficition Book by Nataša Pantović Nuit

Mario Johns from US rated it 5 stars, 26th February 2017, Goodreads Reviews

Deep profound reading. Fallowing a very interesting story set in the 16th century of Alchemy, magic, Chinese I Jing. The dance of Yin and Yang, rational and intuitive is very obvious within the chapters of the book. A female dreamy approach to life versus a male, an energetic and scientific approach. Ama lives during the scientific revolution of Age of Reason, during the time when missionaries tried to convert Chinese to Christianity finding a rich, advanced, intriguing culture, and philosophical approach to Life and God that is amazingly different from our Western one. 

Learning from the Chinese that during the centuries lived in a huge land surrounded by a wall is just an attempt to bridge two sides of the world, two ways of thinking, two approaches to spirituality, art, music, the Yin and Yang of energies manifestations, creating an Alchemy of Humanity and witnessing an alchemy of souls.

The book is multi-leveled and I enjoyed following Amas life, learning about different African / Chinese customs, exploring spiritual stories of different eras and moving through the historical events of the time in Macao and in China: the Dutch attack, Building of the annual Chinese Calendar, Father Schall appointment to the Board of Mathematicians, first Universities in Macao translating manuscripts from Chinese to Portuguese and Spanish, witch hunt, and scientific revolution that moved the centuries ahead. Ama puts us in the main seat. We feel like we are driving the history of humanity together with Gods, spirits, and enlightened people of the time. We are the alchemists who work on the personal transformation and lovers or confused souls that are too attached to the idea that we all need suffering to grow. In fact there are many messages reoccurring through this work: it reflect the wisdom of today's search. What is the alchemy of love? What is God? How to live Divine in all the areas of life. Soul and spirit, spiritual not religious, deep and complex, interesting and playful. 

alchemy and soul quote from Ama Alchemy of Love Historicl Spiritual Ficition Book by Nataša Pantović Nuit

Sue Andreas rated it 5 stars, February 2017, Goodreads Reviews

Historical Fantasy, Historical Fiction, Historical Mystery set during the Age of Enlightenment. A novel about China, eastern philosophy, enlightenment, love, magic, Gods, Ama, Portuguese priests, the settlers of Macau (Macao) during the 16th and the 17th century.
Beautifully written wisdom of ages.
Alchemy of soul within the alchemy of love.
Through the eyes of 12 narrators: Ama-s friends, Gods, & spirits, Historian, Lover, Alchemist, Reuben, Father Benedict, etc.
A-Ma explores the human and social alchemy through the historical events in Macau: Dutch Attack, Chinese Calendar Reform, missioners work, Witch Hunt, through the eyes of Gods, Goddess, Amas father De-Nobille, a Portuguese Alchemist, her mother spirit, her lover.
We also follow a universal spiritual journey that is within each one of us: the path from suffering to love. Each character chooses their-own path to God and each path leads to Divine, whether it is called Christ or Buddha or Tao.
Spiritual not religious.
Must read at least once!

love and suffering quote from Ama Alchemy of Love Historicl Spiritual Ficition Book by Nataša Pantović Nuit

Aurora Zora rated it 5 stars, April 2017, Goodreads Reviews

Ama. Who is Ama? I asked when I saw her eyes for the first time looking at me from the cover of the book. She intrigued me instantly. I know Nuit and her work, from the moment of her first exhibition launch of Art of 4 Elements poetry and art bbook in 2012, when a group of artist exhibited 120 works (photos, painting, pastels) inspired by Nuit!s 120 poems of elements, and I was looking forward to hold this beautiful book /novel in my hands. I know that Nuit was writing Ama for more than 10 years and I was aware of some of her writing anecdotes. Ama had a life and personality of her-own and the most amazing one. For example, Ama as a protagonist of the story, was black before Nuit has decided to adopt her two kids from Ethiopia. Her deep connection to the African story and wisdom is completely fascinating. At one point I remember Nuit recalling, she has decided to remove Ama!s love-life from the book. After she did all the edits, she forgot about this little crazy episode. She did not touch the book for a while and when returning to it she mistakenly returned to the previous, un-edited version of the story, the one with Ama!s love-life intact. Nuit said that Ama did not want her to do anything so stupid as to remove such an important part of the story.
So who is Ama? A divine female incarnated within a setting of the 17th century Macau (China). A most amazing female protagonist whose wisdom is vast and moving. I read about Tao, I read about alchemy, I read about love, and China and its amazing esoteric knowledge. I think Ama will be something else for each one of us. I will not spoil your story. I will let you do your-own discovery. I personally was impressed with what I got from the novel. Best reads!

alchemy of soul quote from Ama Alchemy of Love Historicl Spiritual Ficition Book by Nataša Pantović Nuit

Kristina rated it 5 stars. March 2017, Goodreads reviews

Ama as a virginal youth, or fully blooming female, or as a Goddess herself. 
This book transferred me into a journey to another sphere, time, through foreign lands, mix of cultures, perhaps even through different spiritual dimensions, still touching upon questions we all ask even today. Is it religion, or magic or heart we ought to follow? Love that is in its pure simplicity the essence of the path to highest spirituality, through the deep respect of life elements: water, fire, wood, metal and earth. Inside of your eternal search perhaps you will find the answers exactly within this book. Do Gods and Goddesses face the same dilemmas as we pure mortals and how different we are truly from the Creators? How one contains the magic of two and One is mirrored in all. How often the differences between us divide us and how often do they bring us together. In an attempt to solve the secret of life and death, do we come across the stage of the Creator Herself? Where is the harmony and how to live it? When is the moment when “The Essence became Now, past and future disappeared.” 
A-Ma Alchemy of Love, the spiritual book that I sincerely recommend to all, the book you will return to always learning something new, with the questions that are at that moment within you. “Everything in Nature manifests either through Heavenly Father or through Mother Earth.” A-ma Alchemy of Love

Interviews with Author

Within China we enter the very wisdom of the alchemy of soul and humanity, where a group of enlightened people create an energy matrix that will change the lives of generations to come. Through Ruben, a Portuguese Jesuit Priest, through Ama, her family, friends, followers and enemies, we attempt to understand the challenges of their time, we join their attempts to learn from both the Eastern and Western philosophies, and we witness their personal inner transformation.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I let the book character lead me into the story, its development and its endings. Ama has decided to be born black much before I knew I will adopt kids from Ethiopia. At one point of Ama-s journey I removed all her sexual life and...

Even within the ancient marketing, it was clearly understood that if a book is written by God, it stands a much better chance to win huge audience. Paradoxically, if you are a believer, all the books are by force written by God or influenced by His or Her Majesty, cause God as an Omni-potent entity must surely encompass the world of writing, yet a claim that the words are directly channeled by Holy Spirit (a messenger of God) is quite a popular one. Yet the competition within the world of Holy Spirit followers is quite tough, surely such experiences must be unique and sacred, so the other people’s assertion of the same, was at times guarded by deathly sword.

Q: You’ve traveled widely and researched multiple approaches to “love mindfulness.” Does one approach appeal to you more than another?

Nataša Nuit Pantović: The Eastern and Western approaches to God and spirituality developed in different directions. The western thrived exploring science, music, sports while the eastern focused on the inter-connectedness of all, with a greater emphasis on myths, occult, micro-macro relationships. There are Yin and Yang approaches to life. Within my novel A-MA: ALCHEMY OF LOVE, I explore these in greater details. A-MA is set in 17th century China, at the time of first real contact of Eastern and Western civilizations, first printing books, first Universities that translated ancient works, first enlightened minds that saw that the merge of the two could lead to an amazing wisdom sharing.

In a nutshell, what’s Ama about?

We follow Ama through her life journey. Ama was born of an African mum and a Portuguese Lord De-Nobille. She was an alchemy mix of a White King and a Black Queen and she was supported with all the knowledge, money, spiritual insights from both the East, African spirits, and the Western Alchemy. She is a Goddess incarnated to help the transition from one Era to the next. All the events and manuscripts mentioned within the book: the Dutch attack on Macao on the 24th of June 1622, Fortaleza do Monte proved crucial in successfully holding off the attempted Dutch invasion, the Dutch East India Company, the Reform of the Chinese Calendar during 1630s in China, Father Schall’s [Johann Adam Schall von Bell] Appointment to the Chinese Board of Mathematicians (during 1650s), the Witch hunt and Witches Manual, are carefully researched historical facts. During the 17th century, some 5,000 slaves lived in Macau, around 2,000 Portuguese and 20,000 Chinese. The book uses history to create the connection between actions of the individuals that live surrounded by magic...

My fiction book “A-Ma Alchemy of Love” lived with me for about 10 years and non-fiction books were inspired by my endless search and fascination with meditation, prayer, music, dance, singing, within questions: Where do we come from? What is our purpose on Earth? What is consciousness? How to live our highest potential? How to stay healthy and happy? All the non-fiction books: Mindful Eating, Mindful Being and Conscious Parenting were born during this search. Alchemy, Love and Mindfulness found their merge within this mission: Alchemy of Love Mindfulness Training...

Ama is a witch, Fra Thomas claimed, but we will see for how long this absurd accusation will hold.

An absurd accusation indeed, but this was the century when absurdity was the middle name of much that was happening. The 16th and 17th century tip-toed through the Earth with a clumsiness of a Giant, shaking the roots of all past beliefs, leaving huge finger prints all throughout the scientific work, and religious structures. These centuries saw changes in knowledge, culture, and conscious behavior; our unconsciousness, habits, and good old superstitions stayed within our make-up for a while longer, lingering there, waiting for some other spiritual revolution to happen hundreds or maybe thousands of years later... 

A-Ma featured in some interesting Goodreads Best Books Lists during 2017: Books on Alchemy, Heart of Alchemy and Alchemy Reads  as voted by readers

A-Ma featured in some interesting Goodreads Best Books Lists during 2017: Books on Alchemy, Heart of Alchemy and Alchemy Reads  as voted by readers

Best novels on pre-modern China Goodreads book list with A-Ma Alchemy of Love by Nuit

best novels on premodern China Goodreads book list with Ama

Eastern Philosophy recommended books Goodreads list with A-Ma and Mindfulness Training Books

Eastern Philosophy recommended books Goodreads list with A-Ma and Mindfulness Training Books

Esoteric wisdom sources, Books on Spirituality and Mysticism,  Books on Wholeness,Goodreads best books list with A-Ma and Art of 4 Elements

Esoteric wisdom sources, Books on Spirituality and Mysticism,  Books on Wholeness, Goodreads best books list with A-Ma and Art of 4 Elements

Must read Goddess Spirituality Books List Goodreads with Ama Alchemy of Love by Natasa Pantovic Nuit

must read Goddess Spirituality Books List goodreads with Ama Alchemy of Love by Natasa Pantovic Nuit

Worshiping Goddess best books lists and Best Divine Female Books with Ama Alchemy of Love by Natasa Pantovic Nuit as voted by Goodreads readers

Worshiping Goddess best books lists and Best Divine Female Books with Ama Alchemy of Love by Natasa Pantovic Nuit as voted by Goodreads readers